General News
Cedar Shoals Counselors Visit
The counselors from Cedar Shoals will be in all science classes this Wednesday, February 27th to help students begin the process of picking their classes for next year! Current Cedar Shoals students from the peer leadership class will be there as well to help provide extra insight and answer questions that our 8th graders may have.
Saturday School & PSP
Saturday School is in full swing! This is an excellent opportunity for ALL students to prepare for the Georgia Milestones by working with their teachers in a relaxed, small-group setting. Additionally, it is also ideal for students currently enrolled in high school classes to review for their upcoming EOCTs. Transportation is also provided. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO GET YOUR CHILD SIGNED UP! If you would like your child to attend or would like more information, have them get an application from from their teacher, or contact either the front office or Ms. Ward (
Parents, any students that have turned in a PSP Application have been accepted. PSP runs every Monday and Tuesday from 4-6pm. Students will receive a snack, and bus transportation is provided for free. Please call the school if you have any questions or concerns.
Panther Prowl 5k
Come and join us for a great day of running for all ages at the Panther Prowl 5K Run/Walk on Sunday, April 7th! Proceeds from the race will go directly towards providing incentives for our students. Students and staff members who enter the Panther Prowl will have the opportunity to win a prize back after the race. And last but not least, Mr. Naughton will buy pizza for any student that beats him! Click here to sign up. (Registering by March 17th guarantees you a t-shirt!)
Important Upcoming Dates for 8th Graders
Please be advised of the following important upcoming dates for 8th graders over the next few weeks:
PSP- Every Monday & Tuesday after school; ends the week of 4/2
Saturday School- Each Saturday from 9-12
February 27th- Cedar Shoals counselors visit Hilsman to help 8th graders begin selecting their classes for next year
March 6th- Rising 9th Grade Parent Night at Cedar Shoals, 6pm
March 8-11- Band Trip
March 11-15- Spring Break
March 20-22- Parent Teacher Conferences
March 25th & 28th- 8th grade field trip to UGA
Washington DC Trip Sign Up Info
Spaces are still available to sign up for the 8th grade field trip to Washington DC in May, but time is running out! If you're interested, please contact Mr. Blake ( for more information as soon as possible.
Family Education Series #5
Our next Family Education Series will take place this Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm in the cafeteria. The program will focus on how to cook healthier meals. Dinner will be provided! Contact Mrs. Viera for more information. We hope to see you there!
Panther Nation News Blog
Be sure to check Ms. Tolbert's Panther Nation News Blog, as it contains news, announcements, and information for the entire school!
Content News
Math News:
8th Grade
Monday: Solving systems of equations using the elimination method
Tuesday: Solving systems of equations using the elimination method; Binder Checks
Wednesday: Unit 6 Review
Thursday: Unit 6 Review
Friday: Unit 6 Test
**Students will be taking their Unit 6 Test on Friday this week. They will receive a study guide to help them prepare, and we will be reviewing in class for two days beforehand. Please help us ensure that your child is studying!
**Please check Parent Portal frequently to help our students stay on top of their grades. There are only two weeks left in the quarter before report cards come out!
**Students are highly encouraged to attend PSP on Tuesday afternoons for extra help! If you are interested in attending, please contact Ms. Ward (
Accelerated Math
Monday: Coordinate Algebra Final Exam
Tuesday: Visualizing & simplifying square roots; Binder Checks
Wednesday: Visualizing & simplifying square roots
Thursday: Adding & subtracting radicals
Friday: Adding & subtracting radicals
**More specific information on assignments, upcoming dates, etc. will be specified via group email.
ELA News:
Monday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic
Tuesday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic
Wednesday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic
Thursday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic
Friday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic; Freedom Friday; Binder Checks
Science News:
8th Grade
Monday: Sound behavior; Binder Checks
Tuesday: Light through lenses
Wednesday: Light through lenses
Thursday: Unit 5 Review
Friday: Unit 5 Exam
**Monday: Tutoring 4:00-5:00pm
**Thursday: Study jam from 4:00-5:30pm
High School Science
Monday: Notebook test and preview next unit; Binder Checks
Tuesday: Review over electricity and magnetism
Wednesday: Cedar Shoals visits! Students will look at scheduling classes for next year
Thursday: Start Waves unit
Friday: Light behavior lab
**Mrs. Skinner will be available for tutoring this Tuesday until 5:00pm.
**Parents, please be watching Infinite Campus in the upcoming days for updates on missing work (Mrs. Skinner met with students individually last week to go over any missing work they may have)!
Spanish News:
Wednesday: Begin reading Patricia va a California
Thursday: Stem changing verbs
Friday: Vocabulary quiz
**Mardi Gras Night will be Monday, March 3 from 6:00-7:30 in the cafeteria. For more information, please contact Ms. Willingham or Mrs. Viera!
**There will be Spanish tutoring on Mondays from 4:00-5:30 in Ms. Viera's room.
**National FFA Week Celebration- FFA members only
Monday: Gold Shirt Day- Show Mrs. Martin you have your gold shirt on during homeroom and get a prize!
Tuesday: FFA Meeting 4:00-6:00 and wear this year's FFA shirt to school with uniform bottoms
Wednesday: $5 FFA Dues (get to participate in anything after this date including Thursday's breakfast - does NOT include a t-shirt - $10 to include a t-shirt)
Thursday: 7:30-7:59 FFA Member Donut Breakfast!
Friday: Wristband turn in during homeroom if you have all 5 colors! (Yellow, green, red, orange, blue) Prizes will be handed out!
Ag Class Reminders
March 1- Test/Quiz Makeup 7:45-8:15 and 4:00-4:30
March 5- SAE Work day 4:00-5:00
March 6- SAE due 3 hours/3 pictures for test grade
March 7- Agriscience Fair Projects due - practice 4:00-6:00
8th Grade Faculty
The counselors from Cedar Shoals will be in all science classes this Wednesday, February 27th to help students begin the process of picking their classes for next year! Current Cedar Shoals students from the peer leadership class will be there as well to help provide extra insight and answer questions that our 8th graders may have.
Saturday School & PSP
Saturday School is in full swing! This is an excellent opportunity for ALL students to prepare for the Georgia Milestones by working with their teachers in a relaxed, small-group setting. Additionally, it is also ideal for students currently enrolled in high school classes to review for their upcoming EOCTs. Transportation is also provided. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO GET YOUR CHILD SIGNED UP! If you would like your child to attend or would like more information, have them get an application from from their teacher, or contact either the front office or Ms. Ward (
Parents, any students that have turned in a PSP Application have been accepted. PSP runs every Monday and Tuesday from 4-6pm. Students will receive a snack, and bus transportation is provided for free. Please call the school if you have any questions or concerns.
Panther Prowl 5k
Come and join us for a great day of running for all ages at the Panther Prowl 5K Run/Walk on Sunday, April 7th! Proceeds from the race will go directly towards providing incentives for our students. Students and staff members who enter the Panther Prowl will have the opportunity to win a prize back after the race. And last but not least, Mr. Naughton will buy pizza for any student that beats him! Click here to sign up. (Registering by March 17th guarantees you a t-shirt!)
Important Upcoming Dates for 8th Graders
Please be advised of the following important upcoming dates for 8th graders over the next few weeks:
PSP- Every Monday & Tuesday after school; ends the week of 4/2
Saturday School- Each Saturday from 9-12
February 27th- Cedar Shoals counselors visit Hilsman to help 8th graders begin selecting their classes for next year
March 6th- Rising 9th Grade Parent Night at Cedar Shoals, 6pm
March 8-11- Band Trip
March 11-15- Spring Break
March 20-22- Parent Teacher Conferences
March 25th & 28th- 8th grade field trip to UGA
Washington DC Trip Sign Up Info
Spaces are still available to sign up for the 8th grade field trip to Washington DC in May, but time is running out! If you're interested, please contact Mr. Blake ( for more information as soon as possible.
Family Education Series #5
Our next Family Education Series will take place this Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm in the cafeteria. The program will focus on how to cook healthier meals. Dinner will be provided! Contact Mrs. Viera for more information. We hope to see you there!
Panther Nation News Blog
Be sure to check Ms. Tolbert's Panther Nation News Blog, as it contains news, announcements, and information for the entire school!
Content News
Math News:
8th Grade
Monday: Solving systems of equations using the elimination method
Tuesday: Solving systems of equations using the elimination method; Binder Checks
Wednesday: Unit 6 Review
Thursday: Unit 6 Review
Friday: Unit 6 Test
**Students will be taking their Unit 6 Test on Friday this week. They will receive a study guide to help them prepare, and we will be reviewing in class for two days beforehand. Please help us ensure that your child is studying!
**Please check Parent Portal frequently to help our students stay on top of their grades. There are only two weeks left in the quarter before report cards come out!
**Students are highly encouraged to attend PSP on Tuesday afternoons for extra help! If you are interested in attending, please contact Ms. Ward (
Accelerated Math
Monday: Coordinate Algebra Final Exam
Tuesday: Visualizing & simplifying square roots; Binder Checks
Wednesday: Visualizing & simplifying square roots
Thursday: Adding & subtracting radicals
Friday: Adding & subtracting radicals
**More specific information on assignments, upcoming dates, etc. will be specified via group email.
ELA News:
Monday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic
Tuesday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic
Wednesday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic
Thursday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic
Friday: Comparing and contrasting theme, plot, character in modern version of classic; Freedom Friday; Binder Checks
Science News:
8th Grade
Monday: Sound behavior; Binder Checks
Tuesday: Light through lenses
Wednesday: Light through lenses
Thursday: Unit 5 Review
Friday: Unit 5 Exam
**Monday: Tutoring 4:00-5:00pm
**Thursday: Study jam from 4:00-5:30pm
High School Science
Monday: Notebook test and preview next unit; Binder Checks
Tuesday: Review over electricity and magnetism
Wednesday: Cedar Shoals visits! Students will look at scheduling classes for next year
Thursday: Start Waves unit
Friday: Light behavior lab
**Mrs. Skinner will be available for tutoring this Tuesday until 5:00pm.
**Parents, please be watching Infinite Campus in the upcoming days for updates on missing work (Mrs. Skinner met with students individually last week to go over any missing work they may have)!
Spanish News:
Spanish 8th Grade
Wednesday: Reading food pyramid
Thursday: Vocabulary quiz
Friday: Restaurant expressions
Spanish I
Monday: Introduction of ER-IR verbs
Tuesday: Conjugations Wednesday: Reading food pyramid
Thursday: Vocabulary quiz
Friday: Restaurant expressions
Spanish I
Monday: Introduction of family vocabulary
Tuesday: Review verb Tener Wednesday: Begin reading Patricia va a California
Thursday: Stem changing verbs
Friday: Vocabulary quiz
**Mardi Gras Night will be Monday, March 3 from 6:00-7:30 in the cafeteria. For more information, please contact Ms. Willingham or Mrs. Viera!
**There will be Spanish tutoring on Mondays from 4:00-5:30 in Ms. Viera's room.
**National FFA Week Celebration- FFA members only
Monday: Gold Shirt Day- Show Mrs. Martin you have your gold shirt on during homeroom and get a prize!
Tuesday: FFA Meeting 4:00-6:00 and wear this year's FFA shirt to school with uniform bottoms
Wednesday: $5 FFA Dues (get to participate in anything after this date including Thursday's breakfast - does NOT include a t-shirt - $10 to include a t-shirt)
Thursday: 7:30-7:59 FFA Member Donut Breakfast!
Friday: Wristband turn in during homeroom if you have all 5 colors! (Yellow, green, red, orange, blue) Prizes will be handed out!
Ag Class Reminders
March 1- Test/Quiz Makeup 7:45-8:15 and 4:00-4:30
March 5- SAE Work day 4:00-5:00
March 6- SAE due 3 hours/3 pictures for test grade
March 7- Agriscience Fair Projects due - practice 4:00-6:00
8th Grade Faculty
Tonya Ward,
Mark Martin,
Conor Naughton,
Jason Pratt,
Eric Blake,
Cassie Page,
Melanie Marty,
April Chester,
Meganne Skinner,
Diarra Mosley,
Karen Myers,
Social Studies:
Social Studies:
Jason Yungmann,
Nyla Bell,
Angela Bright,
Laura Viera,
Enjoy the weekend, and go Panthers!
Enjoy the weekend, and go Panthers!