Open House in our NEW BUILDING!
The moment has finally arrived! There will be an Open House on Monday 8/26 from 5:00-7:00pm for students and families to come see the new building and share our excitement. We want that excitement to spread throughout the community! Faculty and staff will be working hard this weekend to move into this amazing new building and we can't wait to have students begin attending on Tuesday. (Remember, there is no school for students on Monday 8/26.)
21st Century After School Program
21st Century Classes will begin on Tuesday, September 3rd. A parent or guardian must attend an Orientation prior to the student attending classes. The Orientation will take place on Monday, August 26th at the new Hilsman immediately after Open House concludes (around 8:00pm in the cafeteria).
Students must complete an application and enroll in order to attend classes. Students can be picked up by parents or ride one of the 21st Century buses. 21st Century applications are in the office or with Mrs. Dalton and Ms. Hughes.
Cross Country
Cross Country season is officially underway! Click here for the official schedule as well as info on practices and meets. Please contact Ms. Seymour ( for more information.
Sign up to get this blog via email
If you want to get this blog automatically delivered via email, sign up in the top right corner of this webpage. You'll get the Hilsman 8th grade news automatically delivered to your inbox each week!
Spread the word about this blog!
We realized that last year that many of our parents were not aware of this blog despite our best efforts to promote it all year. If you are talking to a Hilsman parent, be sure they know about this excellent source of information! We'll update it weekly so you know what to expect all year. All grade level blogs have now been added to Hilsman's official website.
Content News
Math News:
8th Grade
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Properties of exponents
Wednesday: Exponent rules
Thursday: Exponent rules
Friday: Exponent rules
Accelerated Math
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Connecting representations of sequences
Wednesday: Connecting representations of sequences
Thursday: Unit 1 Review
Friday: Unit 1 Test
**More specific information on assignments, upcoming dates, etc. will be specified via group email.
ELA News:
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Science News:
8th Grade
This week in 8th Grade Science, students will be reviewing and learning about heat transfer, with a notebook test coming up at the end of the week!
High School Science
This week in High School Science, students will be getting ready for and taking the Unit 1 Test. Be on the lookout for study materials!
Social Studies News:
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Review and work on Unit Projects
Wednesday: Unit Projects due and Unit 1 Post Self-Assessment
Thursday: Individual Vocabulary Projects due/Review for Unit 1 Assessment
Friday: Study Guide due/Unit 1 Assessment
Enjoy the weekend, and go Panthers!
The moment has finally arrived! There will be an Open House on Monday 8/26 from 5:00-7:00pm for students and families to come see the new building and share our excitement. We want that excitement to spread throughout the community! Faculty and staff will be working hard this weekend to move into this amazing new building and we can't wait to have students begin attending on Tuesday. (Remember, there is no school for students on Monday 8/26.)
21st Century After School Program
21st Century Classes will begin on Tuesday, September 3rd. A parent or guardian must attend an Orientation prior to the student attending classes. The Orientation will take place on Monday, August 26th at the new Hilsman immediately after Open House concludes (around 8:00pm in the cafeteria).
Students must complete an application and enroll in order to attend classes. Students can be picked up by parents or ride one of the 21st Century buses. 21st Century applications are in the office or with Mrs. Dalton and Ms. Hughes.
Cross Country
Cross Country season is officially underway! Click here for the official schedule as well as info on practices and meets. Please contact Ms. Seymour ( for more information.
Sign up to get this blog via email
If you want to get this blog automatically delivered via email, sign up in the top right corner of this webpage. You'll get the Hilsman 8th grade news automatically delivered to your inbox each week!
Spread the word about this blog!
We realized that last year that many of our parents were not aware of this blog despite our best efforts to promote it all year. If you are talking to a Hilsman parent, be sure they know about this excellent source of information! We'll update it weekly so you know what to expect all year. All grade level blogs have now been added to Hilsman's official website.
Content News
Math News:
8th Grade
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Properties of exponents
Wednesday: Exponent rules
Thursday: Exponent rules
Friday: Exponent rules
Accelerated Math
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Connecting representations of sequences
Wednesday: Connecting representations of sequences
Thursday: Unit 1 Review
Friday: Unit 1 Test
**More specific information on assignments, upcoming dates, etc. will be specified via group email.
ELA News:
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Science News:
8th Grade
This week in 8th Grade Science, students will be reviewing and learning about heat transfer, with a notebook test coming up at the end of the week!
High School Science
This week in High School Science, students will be getting ready for and taking the Unit 1 Test. Be on the lookout for study materials!
Social Studies News:
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Review and work on Unit Projects
Wednesday: Unit Projects due and Unit 1 Post Self-Assessment
Thursday: Individual Vocabulary Projects due/Review for Unit 1 Assessment
Friday: Study Guide due/Unit 1 Assessment
Connections News
Spanish (Ms. Smith):
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Review from Week 3
Wednesday: Calendar and date
Thursday: Vocabulary quiz
Friday: Week review
Spanish (Mr. West):
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Introducing ourselves to others in Spanish
Wednesday: Greeting each other in Spanish at different times of the day
Thursday: Vocabulary quiz on Para Empezar unit - all vocabulary covered up to this point
Friday: Review, binder organization and checks
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Welcome to the new art class! Expectations and scavenger hunt
Wednesday: Paper mache added to sculptures
Thursday: Adam Beane Open Notes Test
Friday: Painting our sculptures
Family & Consumer Science:
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Soft skills note-taking
Wednesday: Job applications, employability skills
Thursday: Proactivity and entrepreneurship
Friday: Entrepreneurship and money
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Expectations in New Gym
Wednesday: Intro to Speed Ball
Thursday: Fitness Day
Friday: Activity Day
**Join FFA! See Ms. Purcell for more info.
**Water War meeting on Thursday 8/29
8th Grade Faculty
Spanish (Ms. Smith):
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Review from Week 3
Wednesday: Calendar and date
Thursday: Vocabulary quiz
Friday: Week review
Spanish (Mr. West):
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Introducing ourselves to others in Spanish
Wednesday: Greeting each other in Spanish at different times of the day
Thursday: Vocabulary quiz on Para Empezar unit - all vocabulary covered up to this point
Friday: Review, binder organization and checks
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Welcome to the new art class! Expectations and scavenger hunt
Wednesday: Paper mache added to sculptures
Thursday: Adam Beane Open Notes Test
Friday: Painting our sculptures
Family & Consumer Science:
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Soft skills note-taking
Wednesday: Job applications, employability skills
Thursday: Proactivity and entrepreneurship
Friday: Entrepreneurship and money
Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Expectations in New Gym
Wednesday: Intro to Speed Ball
Thursday: Fitness Day
Friday: Activity Day
**Join FFA! See Ms. Purcell for more info.
**Water War meeting on Thursday 8/29
8th Grade Faculty
Tonya Ward,
Mark Martin,
Conor Naughton,
Jason Pratt,
Eric Blake,
Cindy Blair,
Tangernika Winston,
Linda Allen,
Diarra Mosley,
Lara Zwald,
Lara Zwald,
Brandi Holcomb,
Karen Myers,
Social Studies:
Karen Myers,
Social Studies:
Nyla Bell,
Cynthia Hollis,
Brandi Holcomb,
Angela Bright,
Brandi Holcomb,
Angela Bright,
Enjoy the weekend, and go Panthers!
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