Power Standards Review - Extra Credit Opportunity
Last Friday, each student received a packet of material for their academic classes. They can use this as an extra credit opportunity to review the most important topics (aka "power standards") in each academic class over Thanksgiving Break.
Students can replace their lowest test grade in each class by satisfactorily completing the power standards review for that class. The extra credit assignments are due when students return to school after Thanksgiving.
Here is a digital copy of the packet in case your student lost theirs!
MAP Testing This Week
We will have our Winter MAP testing this week on Tuesday (Language), Wednesday (Reading), and Thursday (Math). Students will test in their homerooms and, as usual, can earn stamps and other incentives for reaching their growth goals!
The MAP Growth Assessments are used to accurately schedule ELT classes, to help students set academic goals, and to monitor students' progress throughout the year. For more information, check out the answers to 12 Common Questions Parents ask about the MAP Growth Assessment.
Important Upcoming Dates
Please be aware of the following upcoming dates and events:
Quarterly Newsletter from Principal Douglass
Here is the link to the first of what will be a quarterly newsletter from Mrs. Douglass. Moving forward, please continue to enjoy this quarterly newsletter which will provide you with school-wide updates, recognitions, and inspiration about our Panthers!
Content News
Math News:
8th Grade
Monday: Graphing linear functions
Tuesday: Linear vs. non-linear functions
Wednesday: Linear vs. non-linear functions
Thursday: Writing linear equations
Friday: Applications of linear equations
Accelerated Math
Monday: Unit 5 Review
Tuesday: Unit 5 Test
Wednesday: Rigid-motion transformations
Thursday: Slopes of perpendicular lines
Friday: Definitions and sequences of transformations
**More specific information on assignments, upcoming dates, etc. will be specified via group email.
ELA News:
Monday: Writing Partners Have Each Other's Backs
Tuesday: Editing for Publication
Wednesday: Mentoring Oneself to a Pro
Thursday: Expanding a Repertoire of Research Tools
Friday: Structuring Investigative Pieces / Freedom Friday (Silent Sustained Reading)
Science News:
8th Grade
Monday: Intro to Electricity
Tuesday: Electricity and Charges
Wednesday: Electricity and Charges
Thursday: Static Electricity
Friday: Static Electricity
**Monday Binder Check
High School Science
Monday: Compounds and Conductivity
Tuesday: Compounds
Wednesday: Octet Rule
Thursday: Ionic Bonding
Friday: Ionic Bonding
**Binder Check Monday
Social Studies News:
Monday: Unit 5 Intro, Vocabulary, and Self-Assessment
Tuesday: Causes of the Civil War
Wednesday: Causes of the Civil War
Thursday: Start of the Civil War
Friday: Georgia's Role in the Civil War
**Students have a Power Review Packet to work on over the Thanksgiving Break. Please help your student to work on, and complete, this work. They can replace their lowest test grade with this assignment if they do well. Also, please remind your students that they have Social Studies Vocabulary Projects to work on as well.
Enjoy the weekend, and go Panthers!
Last Friday, each student received a packet of material for their academic classes. They can use this as an extra credit opportunity to review the most important topics (aka "power standards") in each academic class over Thanksgiving Break.
Students can replace their lowest test grade in each class by satisfactorily completing the power standards review for that class. The extra credit assignments are due when students return to school after Thanksgiving.
Here is a digital copy of the packet in case your student lost theirs!
MAP Testing This Week
We will have our Winter MAP testing this week on Tuesday (Language), Wednesday (Reading), and Thursday (Math). Students will test in their homerooms and, as usual, can earn stamps and other incentives for reaching their growth goals!
The MAP Growth Assessments are used to accurately schedule ELT classes, to help students set academic goals, and to monitor students' progress throughout the year. For more information, check out the answers to 12 Common Questions Parents ask about the MAP Growth Assessment.
Important Upcoming Dates
Please be aware of the following upcoming dates and events:
- 12/3-12/5- MAP Testing
- 12/12- PTO Meeting 6pm
- 12/13- Lunch-A-Palooza (incentive activity for students)
- 12/20- Last day of first term
- 2/11- 8th Grade Field Trip to Cedar Shoals High School
Quarterly Newsletter from Principal Douglass
Here is the link to the first of what will be a quarterly newsletter from Mrs. Douglass. Moving forward, please continue to enjoy this quarterly newsletter which will provide you with school-wide updates, recognitions, and inspiration about our Panthers!
Content News
Math News:
8th Grade
Monday: Graphing linear functions
Tuesday: Linear vs. non-linear functions
Wednesday: Linear vs. non-linear functions
Thursday: Writing linear equations
Friday: Applications of linear equations
Accelerated Math
Monday: Unit 5 Review
Tuesday: Unit 5 Test
Wednesday: Rigid-motion transformations
Thursday: Slopes of perpendicular lines
Friday: Definitions and sequences of transformations
**More specific information on assignments, upcoming dates, etc. will be specified via group email.
ELA News:
Monday: Writing Partners Have Each Other's Backs
Tuesday: Editing for Publication
Wednesday: Mentoring Oneself to a Pro
Thursday: Expanding a Repertoire of Research Tools
Friday: Structuring Investigative Pieces / Freedom Friday (Silent Sustained Reading)
Science News:
8th Grade
Monday: Intro to Electricity
Tuesday: Electricity and Charges
Wednesday: Electricity and Charges
Thursday: Static Electricity
Friday: Static Electricity
**Monday Binder Check
High School Science
Monday: Compounds and Conductivity
Tuesday: Compounds
Wednesday: Octet Rule
Thursday: Ionic Bonding
Friday: Ionic Bonding
**Binder Check Monday
Social Studies News:
Monday: Unit 5 Intro, Vocabulary, and Self-Assessment
Tuesday: Causes of the Civil War
Wednesday: Causes of the Civil War
Thursday: Start of the Civil War
Friday: Georgia's Role in the Civil War
**Students have a Power Review Packet to work on over the Thanksgiving Break. Please help your student to work on, and complete, this work. They can replace their lowest test grade with this assignment if they do well. Also, please remind your students that they have Social Studies Vocabulary Projects to work on as well.
Connections News
After Thanksgiving Break, eighth graders will be weaving painted paper.
Family & Consumer Science:
Eighth grade will begin our third unit upon return from Thanksgiving Break in December. We will learn about nutrition, culinary arts practices, and how culture, food, and the development of healthy lifelong habits can go hand in hand.
8th Grade Faculty
After Thanksgiving Break, eighth graders will be weaving painted paper.
Family & Consumer Science:
Eighth grade will begin our third unit upon return from Thanksgiving Break in December. We will learn about nutrition, culinary arts practices, and how culture, food, and the development of healthy lifelong habits can go hand in hand.
8th Grade Faculty
Tonya Ward, wardt@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mark Martin, martinm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Conor Naughton, naughtonc@clarke.k12.ga.us
Jason Pratt, prattj@clarke.k12.ga.us
Eric Blake, blakee@clarke.k12.ga.us
Cindy Blair, blairc2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Tangernika Winston, winstont@clarke.k12.ga.us
Linda Allen, allenl3@clarke.12.ga.us
Diarra Mosley, mosleyd@clarke.k12.ga.us
Lara Zwald, zwaldl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Lara Zwald, zwaldl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Brandi Holcomb, holcombb@clarke.k12.ga.us
Karen Myers, myersk@clarke.k12.ga.us
Social Studies:
Karen Myers, myersk@clarke.k12.ga.us
Social Studies:
Nyla Bell, belln@clarke.k12.ga.us
Morgan Archer, archerm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Brandi Holcomb, holcombb@clarke.k12.ga.us
Angela Bright, brighta@clarke.k12.ga.us
Brandi Holcomb, holcombb@clarke.k12.ga.us
Angela Bright, brighta@clarke.k12.ga.us
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