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The 4th Quarter starts this week. Let's finish the year strong! |
General News
F2F Students Return Next Week
Hilsman will reopen for in-person learning on March 22. Virtual learning will continue to be an an option offered for all all students. Please see below for more details about our reopening:
- Click here for Hilsman's School Website
- Click here to view the slideshow from Hilsman's Mid-Year Open House with info on safety precautions, dress code, schedules, etc.
- Click here to read details about the schedule for returning students to in-person learning
Q3 Report Cards Going Out March 18th
Quarter 3 ended last week, and teachers have posted final grades for the quarter - these are the grades that will go on report cards and will count towards students' final grades for the year. These Report Cards will be going home later this week.
Important Upcoming Dates
Please be aware of the following upcoming dates and events. Note that this list will continue to be added to each week as more events are planned and scheduled, and also that some of these dates are subject to change:
- 3/15: Quarter 4 begins
- 3/22: Hilsman Reopens for F2F Students
- 3/26-5/7: Q3 Credit Recovery
- 4/2-4/9: Spring Break (No School)
- 4/19-4/29: Milestone Testing
- Monday 4/19: ELA Section 1
- Tuesday 4/20: ELA Section 2
- Thursday 4/22: Math
- Friday 4/23: 8th Grade Science
- Monday 4/26: Social Studies
- Tuesday 4/27: High School Science EOC
- Thursday 4/29: High School Algebra I EOC
- 5/20: Last Day of School
Milestones Letter
An email was sent out by Mrs. Douglass to all families this past week regarding Milestone Testing. Per the state board of education, we will be taking the 2021 Georgia Milestones this spring. However, for the 2020-2021 school year, the state of Georgia has directed school districts to not use end-of-grade Milestones tests to determine promotion/retention decisions. The EOG and EOC will also not impact student grades for the 2020-2021 school year.
All students must take the Milestones tests UNLESS their parent/guardian OPTS THEM OUT OF TESTING. Families may choose to opt their child out of testing with no penalty.
So that we can create a safety plan for students who will be taking the tests in-person at Hilsman, we need to know the exact number of students who will be participating. We are asking all families to fill out the following Google Form in order to help us create our testing plan:
9th Grade Course Registration
All 8th grade students have been emailed their 9th Grade Course Registration sheets by Mr. Hussain, and families also reviewed them during parent teacher conferences last week in order to confirm the classes their child will be taking next year in 9th grade. Any questions regarding 9th grade schedules can be directed to the Cedar Shoals Counselors, to whom each student is assigned according to their last name:
- Ariel Gordon (A-C), gordona@clarke.k12.ga.us
- Ericka Wade (D-J), wadee@clarke.k12.ga.us
- Peggy Johnson (K-R), johnsonpe@clarke.k12.ga.us
- Shamikia Bolton (S-Z), boltonsh@clarke.k12.ga.us
Spring Sports Tryouts Begin March 29th
Tryouts for Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, and Track & Field will begin on Monday, March 29th. Both F2F and Virtual students may participate.
- Academic Eligibility- students had to pass 6 out 7 classes during Q3 in order to be eligible to try out
- Current Athletic Physical signed by a doctor (You MUST have a copy of an up-to-date physical on file at your school BEFORE you attend a practice. These expire after 1 year, so if you had one last year, it may be no longer valid. You can get one for free at the Hilsman Health Center by calling 706-546-7463. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!
- Covid-19 Clearance Form signed by a parent/guardian
7th & 8th grade girls interested in trying out for soccer should contact Ms. Valencia (valenciao@clarke.k12.ga.us).
7th & 8th grade boys interested in trying out for soccer should contact Ms. Seymour (seymoure@clarke.k12.ga.us).
All 7th and 8th grade students interested in trying out for track & field should join the Track & Field Google Classroom using the code 4xtxxoz.
Technology Repair Request Form
If students are having technology issues, please fill out this form. Mrs. Neace and Mrs. Gonzalez are working around the clock to address each request and help make sure everyone's devices are working properly!
How to Check Out Hilsman eBooks
Panther families, we have a great selection of eBooks with many more on the way. Click here for super easy instructions on how to access them quickly from any device!
Student Meals
CCSD will continue to provide free student meals during virtual learning (either at curbside locations or via bus routes). Please click here to view community food resources for families.
How Can I Stay Updated?
- Check your email. Hilsman will use Campus Messenger to email parents/guardians all school-wide announcements. Follow these directions to sign up:
- Go to bit.ly/ccsdportal1 to learn how to create a parent portal account (Spanish version: bit.ly/ccsdportal1esp)
- Update your Campus Messenger settings with the directions at bit.ly/messengersettings
- Sign up for the Hilsman PTO page for more frequent updates. Search Facebook for "Hilsman Middle School PTO, Athens GA"
- Check Google Classroom for class announcements.
Subscribe to this blog!
You can subscribe to this blog so that you receive an email each time we make a new post! To do this, simply type your email address in the "Follow by Email" bar in the upper right side of this site.
Content News
Content news for each subject will resume next week!
Content news for each subject will resume next week!
8th Grade Faculty
Tonya Ward, wardt@clarke.k12.ga.us
Conor Naughton, naughtonc@clarke.k12.ga.us
Te'tiana Williams, williamst2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Jason Pratt, prattj@clarke.k12.ga.us
Kasey Solis, solisk2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Carol Bennett, bennettc3@clarke.k12.ga.us
Jordan Kayea, smallj2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Rhonda McKittrick, mckittrickr@clarke.12.ga.us
April Chester, chestera2@clarke.12.ga.us
Diarra Mosley, mosleyd@clarke.k12.ga.us
Lara Zwald, zwaldl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Lara Zwald, zwaldl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Brandie Holcomb, holcombb@clarke.k12.ga.us
Karen Myers, myersk@clarke.k12.ga.us
Social Studies:
Karen Myers, myersk@clarke.k12.ga.us
Social Studies:
Betty Chaney-Robinson, chaneyrobinsonb@clarke.k12.ga.us
Stanley Stewart, stewarts2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Daniel Tawzer, tawzerd@clarke.k12.ga.us
Angela Bright, brighta@clarke.k12.ga.us
Daniel Tawzer, tawzerd@clarke.k12.ga.us
Angela Bright, brighta@clarke.k12.ga.us
Melanie Marty, maxeym@clarke.k12.ga.us
Enjoy the weekend, and go Panthers!
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