Sunday, September 23, 2018

8th Grade News: September 24-28, 2018

General News
The Pathways to Success Program (PSP) began last week. PSP is a program designed to provide students with extra help in ELA and Math. It will meet on Mondays and Tuesdays after school from 3:45-6:00pm, as well as before school from 7:15-8:00am. The focus on Mondays will be ELA, and on Tuesdays the focus will be Math. If you would like your child to receive after school tutoring, PSP is the perfect opportunity. Transportation is also provided! For more information, please contact Ms. Ward (

Student Incentive - Dress Down Day
Students who have earned between 350-400 points on their binder checks for the month of September will be permitted to be out of uniform this Friday, September 28th. As usual, students out of uniform must still adhere to CCSD/HMS guidelines. The vast majority of our scholars are doing a wonderful job of staying organized - please continue to support your child by ensuring that they continue to have the materials they need to be successful! If you are in need of supplies, please contact Ms. Fassbender (

Panther Nation News Blog
Be sure to check Ms. Tolbert's Panther Nation News Blog, as it contains news, announcements, and information for the entire school!

Content News
Math News:
8th Grade
Monday: Unit 1 Test Corrections & Unit 2 Pre-Test
Tuesday: Locating points and finding distances on a coordinate grid
Wednesday: Finding area of irregular shapes on a dot grid
Thursday: Exploring the relationship between the side lengths and areas of squares
Friday: Introduction to square roots

Last week students took their Unit 1 Test, and it will have a big impact on their overall grades, because this test was our first major grade so far this quarter. Students had the opportunity to earn bonus points by turning in their completed study guides, and will also work on test corrections to earn back some of the points they missed on the test. If you are concerned about your child's performance or academic standing, please don't hesitate to contact your child's math teacher. Students are also encouraged to attend PSP for extra help!

Accelerated Math
Monday: *Begin Unit 3* Using story contexts to graph and identify key features of functions
Tuesday: Using tables & graphs to interpret key features of functions
Wednesday: Using tables & graphs to interpret key features of functions
Thursday: Building fluency with functions
Friday: Building fluency with functions

More specific information on assignments, upcoming dates, etc. will be specified via group email.

ELA News:
Unit 1: Exploring Identity
Monday: Showing not telling Memoir Revisions
Tuesday: Citing from text Review
Wednesday: Citing from memoirs review
Thursday: Unit 1 Review
Friday: Unit 1 Review; Freedom Friday reading

Science News:
8th Grade
Monday: Go over test
Tuesday: Study skills/test-taking strategies
Wednesday: Remediation & Enrichment day
Thursday: Reaction in a bag driving questions board & Potassium reaction properties quickwrite
Friday: Build an atom phet

High School
Monday: Begin Unit 3 on atoms, elements, & the periodic table by learning about Chernobyl
Tuesday: Learn about generating electricity from coal as opposed to nuclear
Wednesday: Forms of energy activity & reading
Thursday: Energy transformations
Friday: Nuclear reactors & introduce elements

Social Studies News:
Monday: Unit 3 Pre-Test
Tuesday: Vocabulary Unit 3
Wednesday: Impact of European Exploration in Georgia
Thursday: Impact of European Exploration in Georgia
Friday: Exploration of Hernando de Soto

Spanish News:
Spanish 8th Grade
Monday: Unit 3 Tengo hambre vocabulary
Tuesday: Review conjugation AR verbs/Intro to ER-IR verbs
Wednesday: Practice making sentences
Thursday: Movie/discussion
Friday: Movie/discussion

Spanish I
Monday: Unit Test
Tuesday: Hispanic Heritage Month kickoff
Wednesday: Movie/discussion
Thursday: Movie/discussion
Friday: Culture Essay due

There will be Spanish tutoring on Mondays from 4:00-5:30 in Ms. Viera's room.

Hispanic Heritage Night will be held Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. All families are invited to join us for a wonderful night of celebration!

Good for fit (Zumba time at Hilsman) - Friday, October 19th at 6:00pm

Tuesday: FFA Meeting 4:00-6:00pm
Wednesday: CDE Practice 7:15-8:00am
Thursday: Agriscience Fair 7:15-8:00am & Ag Class SAE Workday 4:00-5:00pm

Looking forward: SAE Test on October 3rd. Students must have completed 3 hours and have 3 pictures of their work documented on Google Classroom.

8th Grade Faculty
Tonya Ward,
Mark Martin,
Conor Naughton,
Jason Pratt,

Eric Blake,
Cassie Page,
Melanie Marty,
April Chester,

Meganne Skinner,
Shaun McCann,
Zinetta Fox,
Karen Myers,

Social Studies:
Jason Yungmann,
Nyla Bell,
Angela Bright,

Laura Viera,

                                                      Enjoy the weekend, and go Panthers!

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